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Mum had fled the nest with her latest toy-boy lover and a year had passed for Dad and me. Never awkward between us, but I was growing up fast and it showed, my mood swings, my first periods, and my changing attitude towards men.Dad could see my changes, with my sullen attitude but most of all, my body ached and my unabashed sexual awakening. I was online shopping for clothes, with dad at my side, the tease in me reveled at his awkwardness as I choose my underwear, sometimes just to shock him,. "Jesus H. Christ! I guess if I don't feed you right this second,you're going to start crying and I won't get a minutes rest." Sheilapaused and looked at her child in disgust. She made sure she snarledso the boy knew she was not pleased with being interrupted. "Okay,let's feed you. All you do is take, take, take. That's all you knowhow to do. What the hell good are you? When are you going to learn todo for yourself?" But I'm just a little boy, Momma," Jeremy said, making sure he didn'twhine."No,. I inhaled her scent, a sweet perfume, not too overwhelming but certainly noticeable. For a long while, we just stood there, as she was holding me close and stroking my hair, rocking me softly in her arms.After what felt like an eternity, she planted a soft kiss on my head, then lead me to sit on the bed. Sitting beside me she cleared a strand of hair from my face, then took my hands into hers. As she was looking at me, I knew I could tell her anything I wished.“What’s your name?” I asked. My. “I don’t know what came over me. I am sorry for my act and I will take the rest of the night on the couch. I--” I rolled my eyes in bewilderment as my mouth dropped open. What came out of her mouth was totally unexpected.“Sssshhhh love. Is ok Evans, you got carried away that’s all right! Sleeping to close to a woman even if it’s your cousin just reminded you of those girlfriends you had is that it? I am older than you Evans, and I shouldn’t remind you at all of a beautiful young Nelly right?”.
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