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Both of us very pleased with each other’s reaction.With both of us planning an outing, the week went by very quickly. Finally it’s Friday, we both sit at home waiting on our guests. (we decided earlier in the week, that the guys would give us a ride to the club in their limo) Chatting about our plans as we wait, the more I talked about our girl plans, I could tell Rainmann was a bit disappointed he was going to miss out on some fun. He probably especially felt this way because he had no idea. I place my tongue against her lips, breathing in her scent. I slowly start sliding my tongue over her lips, every now and then brushing against her clit. She starts to moan and writhe, I pull her closer so that my face is buried in her pussy, my gums against her clit and my tongue sliding into her. My chin is covered in her juices, and her pussy starts to spasm. I hold my tongue hard against her engorged clit and then lift it off, teasing her. She pushes her pussy onto my face, and I can. Both penises started spurting warm thick bands of cum on the other and you literally had an orgasm just from watching two penises Cumming on the other. You rubbed the cum in with both hands. The penis withdrew from the hole and you ordered me to “fuck you now.” Apparently the sight of my penis touching and Cumming on another penis was too much for you to stand. As soon as I entered you, you could feel the strangers warm cum still on my penis as it slid in and out of you. You orgasm almost. He spoke softly, "I'm sorry miss, is this seat taken?", such a sly man, yet charming. I shook my head no and so he sat down."I couldn't help but notice you were sitting here all alone. Such a beautiful girl shouldn't have to waste her day alone." I smiled."You are right. I did get stood up and I do enjoy the company." He smiled at me."Would you like to join me in my suite upstairs? The coffee is much better up there." I hesitated at first. Then I let go of my insecurities and went with my.
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