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The next day when i wokeup around 6 am i dragged myself to my feet with my eyes still closed to go to the toilet i opened the toilet door and pulled down my underwear to pull out my cock to pee i opened my eyes with a shock to find that i had no fucken cock so i looked down to check again and i saw two fleshy mounds which were perfect breast and lovely perky nipples i ran towards the mirror and what i saw was a sexy hot naked babe in front of me i really loved what i saw and admired this new. So being it was Friday evening and the truck I was supposed to be delivering pizza with broke down on the first delivery, I decided to take a night off. I went to the enlisted club on base and met up with some friends. I was drinking like I had before this last stretch of working and my alcohol tolerance was low so, I was getting drunk way faster than I intended.There were some faces in the group that I didn’t know but that really didn’t matter much, because chances were I’d be back at work. " she said quietly. Her eyes said so much more about hurt, remorse, and sadness."Have you decided what you will do? Are you going to come back here?" Yes, I guess so. I have no where else to go. Life with Mummy and Daddy is so full of things not being said, I think I'd rather be here by myself." How did they take it?" I asked"Well, Daddy hasn't found a way to talk about it, yet. It'll take him a couple of weeks, but then we'll sit down for a heart to heart, but only when he has something to. The room was very large. On one side, there was a simple bed, along with a desk, and a closet, and on the other, training equipment. The entire room reminded of Africa. Trophies of animals, a tiger skin rug, some ritual masks and spears... Lily looked around, wide-eyed and with open mouth. ˝This is...fascinating....˝, was all the girl managed to say. Jake smiled, and motioned her to sit on a chair close to the training equipment. As she did so, he asked teasingly: ˝What's a young, frail girl.
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