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"I honestly didn't know how to respond to that. On some strange level, Iwas hoping he'd just agree about my awfulness, and we could start movingon, but it was becoming more and more clear to me that he still loved meand hadn't gotten over me leaving. His reaction at the store the otherday was probably more of shock and of expecting me to be the bitch thatAlana had grown into at a distance these past few years apart. But metrying to be a friend was eroding any negative resentment he'd built. That was one quick fuck.The following weekend we were off on a basecamp and camping out on the Saturday night. It was already arranged that I would share a tent with June, so when we finally reached the designated campsite I was surprised when everyone pitched their tents at least 40-50 yards way from each other. June said “ Have you noticed how few married couples there are? Most people in the group are screwing other wives or singles on these weekend backpacks”. We had only just finished off. I guide her to the lobby pay for a room and we go up to the rented room. Once there I force her to sit down on the bed. “Alright my little pet how about you take of those clothes and give me a little show.” I say before I lean back against the desk in to room. The tranny starts stripping of all her clothes, embarrassed and slow but they come off. “This is taking to fucking looking.” I say when she reaches her shirt and panties, I step forward, smash her down on the bed and rip open her shirt. She rapidly bobbed her head up and down, and she brought her master to the very edge of orgasm in less than a minute, before backing off. Thompson watched as she stepped off the bed, and slipped out of her maid’s outfit, her movements delicate and graceful despite the extra weight brought on by bearing her master’s child. Her breasts, already large for her figure before the pregnancy, were now heavy and swollen, the dark aerolas even darker. Zophia moved back onto the bed, and lay next to.
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