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But when I have to be there, I stay with a friend. I do have a flat in London, but I only use it if I’m working there and finish too late to get back here. But this is my home. Always will be. I hope. My big-brained fiancé is doing his Ph.D. here and he hopes to get a teaching position here, so this is where we live. Besides, I love this town. It’s home.”I nodded. Westmouth wasn’t home to me. Not yet. But I could see how it could be.Eventually, I got used to the fact that an honest-to-god movie. I wasn't thinking and bythe time I did, it was too late. Mom had seen it and my self esteem wasshattered. I had begged mom to drive us back to Mumbai the next day andshe agreed. I dressed as conservatively as possible. Thankfully, I wascarrying a light pink salwar with white and silver work, which I teamedby braiding my hair. I covered my head with the baby pink dupatta andshielded my eyes with sunglasses. I couldn't let anyone see my eyes thatday.The following week was the dance recital and I. Just as I was finishing, I knelt down to suck on his cock and he stopped me. I was surprised. All he said was ‘Not yet.’ I was thinking, ‘For Christ’s sake, he won’t even let me give him a blowjob!’ I didn’t feel dejected, it was just the first time anybody had turned down one of my blowjobs, that’s all. He dried me off and then had me crawl in bed with him. He was, uh, sizeable. Not large enough to rip me a new orifice, but large enough to fill me, you know? He did this kissing thing, like. "She was relentless. She kept asking me the same questions over and over again, each time a slightly different way. She was sure that you were brainwashing me." But I am!" I said, spookily. "I have you in my power. Ooooo. You are under my control. You will obey my every command. Wha Ha Ha Ha Ha!" Stop it you goofball!" she laughed at me. Then she seemed to reconsider and said, "Actually, everything you said is true. The only thing is that I love it! I finally convinced Jill of that. Only then.
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