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Suddenly there was activity all over the bus. People were taking off their clothes and as they became conscious of what was happening there was utter confusion. But they had to follow Josh’s instructions. “Please do it a little more quietly,” Josh commanded since some were becoming a bit hysterical. “After you are totally naked then sit quietly. You may look around at everyone else but be quiet. You will remain totally aware of yourself but you will notice that even though you don’t want to. I sprung right back up and wiggled my eyebrows at her like Groucho Marx with a shit-eating grin on my face. She took the bait and launched herself sideways at me. I leaned back at impact and she was practically laying on top of me when I saw her eyes refocus. Those doe eyes looked straight at me as the laughter slowed and stopped and we shared a moment. I looked at her lips and back into her eyes to see them closed as she drew closer to my face. Li was, in that moment, non-existent. Mia's lips. “Who?” Jessica asked.“The JW girl who was going door-to-door with her mom a couple of weeks ago. She was at the dojo for a time today watching, but I didn’t tell her or her mom I was into karate. It’s possible she just happened to walk by and see me, but I’m not so sure after the encounter last weekend.”“Mom said Dad had his vibe turned up to ‘11’,” Birgit declared.“Just eat your lunch, Pumpkin,” I said.She stuck her tongue out at me but started eating.“Did you get your papers graded, Jess?” I. I felt absolutely incredible, my thighs glistening, covered with my juices. I think we were all exhausted and would happily have stayed where we were for longer but then I realised what Sean had said on the phone and exclaimed, ‘shit … Sean said they’ll be here in ten minutes!’ Issabella immediately jumped up off the bed, her jeans were soaked. Above thighs, it looked as though she had peed and where Emma had been grinding against her thigh there was another wet patch. She looked a little.
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