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I wanted you to hug me, but I could tell you were afraid I’d be offended. Thank you so much for being my friend and for bringing me here to work. I promise I won’t be a whiny, snively little girl anymore.”“You’re not a whiny, snively little girl, Julie. You’re a beautiful young woman who has been ignored, then mistreated most of your life ... If you ever need a hug, come to me. No matter where we are, no matter what I’m doing. I consider you a friend and I care about my friends.”“I know I’ll. He’d barely made it in time, she’d already lost the power of speech.She’d grinned and frantically hammered her pussy on his dick from underneath him, remembering her humanity just long enough to mutter, “Thank you! Thank you!”Then she'd howl.He wondered what the neighbors thought.John waited until Natasha had a bunch of orgasms, then he shot his load inside her. She felt him cumming and smiled, holding him tightly, moving against him, and slowly milking as much cum out of him as she could.Then. She started gagging and choking on it and tried to pull her head off if it.He got annoyed and raised his voice, “Claudia, we’ve had this conversation, if you want to be my girlfriend, you have to stop complaining about little things.”She was almost passing out from not being able to breathe, but he didn’t care. She just wanted it to end. Luckily, he soon came with a roar in her mouth. She held his cum in her mouth, not knowing what to do.“You need to swallow it. Girls I’m with don’t spit. I was Billy's first. Well, I was a lot of nerd's first, but that let me be choosy. Billy is cute, comes from old money, and is so smart he's like Elon Musk and Steve Job's love child. Add to that one more detail. My Billy Boy is HUNG! His ten inches suits me perfectly. He's just the right thickness, too. On special occasions I give him a thrill and let him bop my ass with it. I've actually grown to like that. Sometimes I even masturbate with a dildo up my butt when he's away from home.Once I.
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