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I see your wetness form and start to run down your thighs as you hold me there grasping my ass and pulling me deep and I feel your tongue twitch and it is almost too much and I pull away.... I stand you up and spin you around, move you to the bed and bend you over - You start to say something about condoms but the words catch in your throat as soon as my lips hit your pussy - you collapse on the bed but reach back and grab my head and pull me in tight - suddenly my mouth is flooded with your. Through my outfit and his slacks, myquivering thighs feel his rock-hard, pulsing erection, as I helplesslysit on his lap, my arms bound behind me at the wrists and elbows,unable to stop or even protest the continuous onslaught of his greedyhands, constantly caressing, grabbing, pinching, slapping, pressing,slipping between my thighs, pushing against my flattened by thetightness of the pantyhose and the swimsuit crotch, making me moan likea whore, and feel like one too... So wrong for a man to. A moment later she entered carrying a small plastic drinks tray with a cup & some sachets of sugar and milk. I waited until she put it down on the bedside table and then I sat up in bed, exposing my double-Ds to her.“Oohh.” She exclaimed upon seeing the sight.“Never seen a pair of boobs before?” I enquired as I busied myself with adding milk and sugar to the coffee, stirring it in and taking an exploratory sip. It tasted nice.“Not like those.” Dorothy replied.“Not even in the mirror?” I asked. It didn't take long before she started moaning. "Please, please daddy don't tease me." she purred softly. "What? I can't hear you." I said playfully. I started to speed up until she couldn't handle it anymore. "Jerome! If you don't slam that d*ck inside me I'll do it myself!" she yelled. I started to laugh, "Haha! You're all talk!" I began to speed up faster this time grabbing her fat tits. She moved her free hand and jammed my dick deep inside her. "Whoa! Haha! I wasn't expecting that.
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