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..yes but it was just , i dont know why...''''its ok dont be shy, you have a cute ass you know''''here i brought some i dont wear anymore its too small , i give it to you if you try them for me''''im not sure, its weird''''comon its not put this one ''turning around to let me put it on''oh my god this is perfect, your so cute in it, get on your bed and show me your cute ass''''seriously im not sure , i ''''shhhhh comon on the bed sexy''kissing me gropping my cheek''i really love your cute ass,. ”I looked at her, studied the dirty beggar outlined by the fire, and then glanced back at her. What a peculiar situation. A dirty, flea-ridden good-for-nothing was offering badly needed warmth in exchange for ... fucking Cathy. Instead of telling him yes or no, as was her prerogative, she was looking at me with question in her eyes. She was asking my permission to do something I should have had no say in. Cat was an escaped slave, masterless, she was far past asking anyone’s permission for. You moan approvingly and I push a little deeper as I show my renewed arousal by practically swallowing your cock. Your ass feels tight on my finger and it thrills me. I push harder still and feel you grow tense. I stop and allow you to get used to the feel of it and when I feel you relax some more I push deeper still until I reach a new place and I’m up to the knuckle in your ass.Faster and faster I suck you now and I want my prize, I want your cum coating the back of my throat. I moan around. Unfortunately, Evan is busy hitting on Michelle and takes forever to get ready to leave. After a few more drinks, you just pass out of Kate's living room couch...You wake up a few hours later. It's dark, and it seems as though you are the only one left. You fumble for the glow button on your watch. 4:16. You start to rouse yourself when you see the light come on down the hall. It's Kate, wearing just pajama pants and a bra. She's got a great body - you're only a man, you can't help but notice.
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