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Five years into our marriage, my wife had a lesbian experience and decided that she wanted to explore her fantasies with men and women. During the next three years, she had several sexual encounters with men and women (sometimes both), but eventually decided that she really just wanted to “date” men. She dated several men for the next few years, often spending entire weekends with them or going on trips. Sometimes she would tell me about the sex or come home without cleaning up so I could smell. Daisy curtseying, and he touching his forelock, as was the custom, she bade them sit and asked how they were enjoying married life. Daisy was one of those robust young country lasses, that was a little assertive, and rather straight forward, though she knew her place. Her husband a tall, well-built lad called Jack, outwardly more quiet but it was he who answered, saying that, “They lived with her mother, Sadly his own folk living in cottage so tiny it had no room for them as well and though. .. all one hundred and fifteen feet of 1930's opulence ... she reeked of privilege and power. She might be the biggest but the Aphrodite was not the only portable bedroom on the water.Cabin cruisers to Lightning sailboats with a mattress on the slats bespoke of places to practice the horizontal mambo. There were at least two hundred boats ... some rafted together ... some apart. The King's Knight was the largest sailboat on Friday. Who knew what Saturday would bring?Junior look askance at the. He nodded. She passed me an envelope. I looked up at her suspicion written all over my face I was certain.I opened the envelope. It was a check and a schedule. I had been scheduled to have an appointment with the boss, her, at 10:00AM. The check startled me. It was made out for $5,000.I looked up at her again. "Thank you, I guess," I said. I was confused, stunned actually."Marvin, I know why you're in here. It was stupid of you, but I can't say I really blame you. It had to be a shock for you.
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