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”“Welcome, both of you. And I hope you enjoy working for NIKA! Thanks, Ladona.”“You’re welcome!”She left and I turned back to my workstation.“Wow, two African Americans on the same day?” Penny asked.“You know we’re trying, but the ratios in colleges are skewed towards white males in a serious way. I don’t believe in affirmative action, but I really don’t want this place looking like a Klan convention!”Penny laughed, “You mean like most of the law firms and some of the bigger consulting. I keep going, however, my arousal simply hitting a new high as Peter and Nightwing continue to fuck. I only wish my metal arm weren’t so cold against my breast… Peter cums twice more, Nightwing thrice, and myself only once more as time carries on. However, it seems as if my last orgasm was too loud, as Nightwing stops Peter and stands, letting his still-erect cock kiss the night air. Peter pants and shudders, and visibly resists jacking himself off as he cools down from a near-orgasm. I think. “You don’t know what I’m talking about” she started “Let me be more direct. Why the hell were you looking at my tits?”I was shocked to hear that from my stepmom and also was embarrassed. But I couldn’t know why she was smiling the way she was.I admitted “I was glancing up your chest since the opportunity was there to look. Now get up.”I tried pushing her off me. But I couldn’t move her. My movement was blocked by chair on one side and the table on the other.Jane said “You liked looking at them. I understood all of this but what if she didn’t? 'Damn it Anna, You could be breaking her heart too!' Why didn’t I consider all this before? But then, maybe it wouldn’t have made any difference. I had a selfish streak. Not intentional, but I did tend to act first and think later, and now that was going to result in so much unhappiness for at least four people that I couldn’t bear it. I had to do something. What? What could do? I say ‘no’ to Sam and her heart is broken and her life ruined. I.
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