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I was in a trance, too mesmerized to talk staring at her feet right there I was too immersed to even notice she would know. it had now been silent for some time, she also watched her feet now and then, then, she said “ Do you like that ? “ and nodded again towards my magazine, now my heart pounding thinking of something to say, and before I could answer, as she swung her foot up again on he way down stretched her foot down and pressed against the head of cock, easy visible thought my. As if I just realised what I said I covered my mouth and widened my eyes, doing my best not to chuckle. "Oh, I am so very sorry Priestess Weller. I merely meant that you should hire one of the women upstairs for me for the night."She settled down a bit, taking in my bullshit. I thought I could see amusement in Sophie's eyes at her superior being mocked in such a way. Moving quickly before she started reacting properly I called out loudly "Barman. The High Priestess Weller here is paying for a. . I need to check you...*ribbit*.. For injuries...." I feel her tongue start to travel all across my body only avoiding my crotch. It tickles and the slime feels gross."Please tsu stop this you can't...please... Listen to me" she doesn't seem to even hear me. Her cheeks a red with blush now. Her eyes look so focused on me... Like I am a delicious treat.Her tongue wraps around my balls finally squeezing very tight... I yelp. It feels so soft as it squeezes and ungulates. I feel like I can feel. He craved a mouthful of gooey spunk like nothing else.His mind pleaded to be bathed in filth. He thirsted for it. He needed it.'Wait... my name! What was my name? No! I forgot again already?!?'Alexandra reached the point of no return and began hammering her cock inand out of his soft, slippery lips. Bubbling phlegm ran from his mouthlike a waterfall as she fucked his mouth with dire need. The small areasof his face that could be seen below the web of pink latex turnedincreasingly red as he.
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