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She had been working behind the bar for six hours tonight, new years eve. Back from university for Xmas break, she was lucky to pick up a few shifts at the local pub, to top up her student loans. It helped that her dad drank their most weekends.Most of the regulars knew her and her family, and would chat to her about uni and her studies. None of them were her age.There is another temporary barman, Tim, another student, a couple of years older, who is constantly trying to flirt with her.. “It’s ok baby, our secret. No will know your cock got hard sucking another cock.” Amy cooed as she took out her boyfriend’s cock. “MMMM I’m serious Amy.” Jim groaned as he got harder. “Uh huh, and no one will know how hard you got watching another man fuck my dirty cunt.” Amy continued to tease her boyfriend as she pushed him back onto the couch. “Stop fucking with me Amy.” Jim groaned as he watched Amy strip naked. “I’m not baby, just want you to know I will never tell how you lucked another. I was quarter of the way through the bar when Miles plonked himself on the ground beside me. “It is oddly nice out here, don’t you agree Bess?” He munched almost happily on his bar. “If you like green stuff and rotting stuff,” I answered grimacing. “Relax dear. Think of this as a tramp through the bush back home.” Unbidden memories of home ran through my mind. The kids would be having their breakfast soon. John would get them ready and walk them to school. He’d spend the rest of the day looking. Do what you and I've been doing." But you're both girls," I said, "doesn't it seem….weird?" Actually, it's pretty hot, we talk to each other like you and I are…and we show off for each other." How?" I asked"We play games, model nightclothes, flash each other, sometimes we take a couple of hours before we get around to rubbing off. Sometimes we just lay in bed talking and rubbing. Sometimes we go in the bathroom and watch each other cream." What kind of games do you play," I asked, my hand.
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