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One nurse in the ER said to me, "Did you do the immobilization of her leg?"I nodded, waiting for criticism.She said, "That's the finest job I've ever seen of preparing a broken leg for transport. Our EMTs don't do any better than that with all the crap they carry in their ambulance. When I tell you that you did a good job, take that as a high compliment." She gave me a warm smile and walked away.I sat beside Mils holding her hand while an osteopathic doctor worked over her leg. Several x-rays. Her head came to just above his shoulder.She blushed. “That was—I—You can touch them now!” She blushed an even deeper shade of red, her face nearly matching her lipstick.“Maybe later,” said Will dismissively, continuing to pet the cat. “His fur is so soft!” This cat is pretty adorable. I think she’s calming down a bit finally.Toby stretched, nearly rolling out of his owner’s grasp.“Whoa, that was a close one, mister!” said Kay in a babying voice, looking down at her cat. Then she looked back. I started to slide upward to bring contact between my stiff cock and her lovely head, but she spun around and slumped onto her pillow. She turned on her side with her back to me and curled up into a fetal position.Photos Her bare ass with the thong string snuggled in the crack of the cheeks was stuck out to my view as the short nightie climbed up to rest on her lower back. She was breathing hard. I straightened up and leaned forward a bit to take advantage of the. “Before you get to feel what big step-brother’s cock is like, you will need to clean up this fucking mess you made. I want you to lick it all up you dirty slut. Taste the cum of the dog that just bred your dirty cunt.” he pushed her head down into the puddle, forcing her to lick up the mess she had made.Niki had felt the dog leave her pussy dripping freely as his large cock slid out as the knot dwindled. Max was coming over, his voice still taunting her, talking about getting her another dog,.
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