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After them came the four boys, and the four girls of her family. Her and Clara were more like sisters than friends. He kissed the ample mound of her mons, seeking the small petals of her labia majorum. The tiny pink rosebud outer lips of her vagina. He licked them, and caressed her inner thighs, as she rose to beckon him home to her gates of heaven. She was moaning with delight, as he kissed her with as much vigor as he had given the lips of her mouth, earlier, and would do, again, soon.He. " Liberty said quietly.Tom's heart ached for her, but he made himself carry on with the tea. "Do you want to talk about it? I might be Lisa's horrible brother, but maybe I can help."Liberty smiled properly. "You're not horrible. You're the loveliest man I know. It's nothing, really. I just..." Her perfectly rounded chest hitched and Tom passed her a tissue. "My boyfriend's dumped me."Tom put a steaming cup of tea with sugar in front of her, and leaned on the other side of the bar with his. I gently raised my right arm, flexing my fingers over the end of the cast. I could at least use my fingertips, which I did, grasping the thin sheet that covered my body. Lifting it slowly, I peered down to where the sensors were attached to my chest. It was a smooth chest, I noted. Slightly larger than I was accustomed to seeing, with only a stray hair or two to be seen. The stomach was flat; no spare tire circled my waist like I was used to. As I looked down my body, I vaguely noted the tube. It was already hard, thrusting up from his loins like a thick flagpole with a red knob at the end that had the daintiest hole at the tip. A spout for baby-making cream, and now thanks to the school, he knew how to use his tool. Or the theory thereof, until he got the practice down pat, he still had things to learn.Should I show him? Well at least I could show him mine, since he was showing me his. I flipped up my skirt again to reveal my narrow band of dark hair crowning the coral gash of damp.
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