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Taking his hands, he caressed her skin from her neck to her belly button using pressure in just the right spots to make her tighten with anticipation and pleasure. Drew positioned himself on his side next to her, so that he could lay beside her body as his hand moved further down to her hips and thighs and then back up the inside of her thigh to her pussy. Moist from being excited, Drew spread apart her lips with his fingers to let the warmth escape and to dip into her hole and get some juice. " Abby said, as she watched the light go out of Kathleen's eyes."She is done." Abby said, standing up."Ok. Now you roll her over here next to Barbara so she can finish and we get ready for Terri."Moments later, Abby was watching the lights go out in Terri's eyes, as she slipped into unconsciousness. Shortly the breathing stopped, and Abby stood up to slide her down the Trolley.Candy at this time was efficiently opening up Barbara with the Wyoming knife and had most of her internal organs on the. “Mmm, you know Roger was always a bit of a wuss. Pissing about with crappy little riding crops. Now we both know that a toy like you needs to be whipped and whipped with something worthwhile. Now if you will forgive me a moment I need to undress.”Janine felt the toy’s eyes on her as she stripped and carefully folded her clothes.“That’s better, I wouldn’t want to get any blood on my clothes when I introduce you to this.” Janine held up what at first glance looked to be a flogger. The toy’s eyes. " She then glared at Jana and said, "You know you shouldn't do this." Jana simply glared at Kyra who added, "Fine, I'll see you later then."As soon as Kyra left the room Jennifer asked, "What was that all about?"Jana looked a little sheepish as she replied, "Kyra's mad because Dave said he didn't want me to have sex with you and Mark."Jennifer was surprised to hear what Jana said, but before she could say anything, Mark blurted out, "What a fucking hypocrite. Jennifer, didn't you tell me that.
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