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I went to the bathroom and applied deodorant, brushed my teeth, and did up my hair with gel (I use my fingers to brush my hair forward, then spike up my bangs, slightly brushing them to the side). The production looks good. Then I use the restroom and Aden uses it, then we leave. When we arrived, I was quite glad I dressed up, slightly. Its a pirate-themed, fancy seafood restaurant. Ooh, you guys just made it, said the young, beautiful blond waitress, eyeing me and especially Aden. She sat us. ‘You ask her to join the family, she now wife! We talked to her, and she wants to be your wife also!’ she said firmly. I could tell that this was an argument that I had already lost, so I said, ‘Okay, I’ll have a talk with her, and see if she wants to become a wife. I will not have any of you pressuring her to become a wife. I already feel I have enough wives with the three of you, but I will talk with her, to see what she wants. ‘I’m supposed to be the man, the head of this family. You two. Whenever Maria orgasm, she make me stop screwing her so she can catch her breathe and let her intense orgasm subside. Brady don't know this rule and he's not letting Maria take her legs off his shoulder. She is saying "Stop" and than the next second shes pleading with him to go harder.Brad starts trying to kiss her while he still has her leg on his shoulder. So now her ankles are by her nose. Maria can't kiss him, because she is almost screaming from what he is doing to her. He now grabs her. Her eyes started to open slowly and through the heady steam she saw a figure standing tall staring at her. His deep, almost black eyes, burning into hers. She felt completely paralysed. Wanting to move but unable to, and accepting it.She was used to her mind conjuring up men before but this one seemed different. Somehow more real, not at all like the men from here previous dreams. Dangerous and threatening, yet exciting and enticing. He seemed to stand there and hold her eyes with his stare for.
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