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What a sight.“I have wanted to do this for a long time” Kim began – do what I wondered? My mind drifted momentarily: overwhelm my senses, turn me into a drooling schoolboy, is that it; or give me a vision of picking you up, sweeping everything off the table and ravishing you here and now? – Kim had continued “….really we all have wanted to try and make it up to you, show you others in the ex-family are really nice people, and appreciate all the help you gave so many of us. The whole family was. He is standing here in front of my friends and me, naked, and I am going to take him over my lap, and beat his bare bottom long and hard with this.”She held up her favorite…and therefore my least favorite… short paddle, about a foot long of hard wood, with an oblong spanking surface with numerous holes drilled through it.Then I heard her say, “… to start with. This session is being filmed, and will be posted on my Fetlife profile for ALL to see. Now, Shilo, over my lap!”I bend down, and over,. "Kneel before me."Tristan did. "Now please me with your mouth."Tristan had no desire for punishment, and besides, he had done as muchbefore. He lowered his face into her nether region, and began to lick. After a few minutes, Arista moaned. A few more minutes, and she had herhand on the back of Tristan's pretty head, pushing his face into hercrotch.The whole time, even as he licked, Tristan couldn't help but note onesimple fact. He was between the legs of a beautiful woman, and he wasnot. She paused for a second and then asked, “What’s with the peeing?” Her voice did not sound mad but I could tell from her tone that she was confused. I chuckled in an effort to keep the conversation light. “Well,” I said, “I didn’t text you about peeing per se, but if you think you could pee while getting your clit rubbed.” “Where is this coming from?” Heather asked. “Nothing. I just had a crazy sex dream last night and you were getting your clit licked and you peed while doing it. You really.
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