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We became very close. She would curl up on my lap, and sometimes even crawl into bed between my wife and I, while we were watching tv. When my wife was gone she would walk around the house in a pair of tight short shorts and a cut off t-shirt with no bra. I was not sure at first if she was aware of the affect that she was having on me or not. The way she would grind her tight ass into my lap. The way she would let her hand fall right next to my cock when she would crawl into bed. The. T walked over and rubbed my ass "I thought you told me your boi was smooth I am seeing lots of stubble on this little slut" then he smacked my ass. "May I speak Daddy?" I asked very softly Mr. Smith allowed me to "Yes my boi you may" "I left myself unshaved for you Daddy I was thinking how you may enjoy doing it, I am sorry if I was being disrespectful Daddy" all the while my head was on the floor and my ass was up and spread wide for both of these mature men. Mr. Smith walked to the closet to. Amber and Kat took the elevator down to the foyer, and walked out to the long black limousine. They were immediately swatted with the late summer heat of the tropical city. The rising cumulus clouds raised the usual potential for a late afternoon thunderstorm.The uniformed limousine driver greeted them as he took control of their suitcases: “Miss Taylor and Miss Emerson, what a pleasure to have you both with us. Just let me put these in the trunk and I’ll be right with you for the door.”A few. In a soft almost whispered response she replied “No ... I’ve had sex twice with the same boy”.“Good” he replied before starting the car and driving away. He placed a hand on her smooth thigh, with his hand inching higher towards her pussy.Within minutes they arrived at the front gate of his parents home.He parked momentarily and turned to her, reaching across and slipping the thin spaghetti straps off her shoulders. Using a crooked finger he dragged the top down exposing her nice rounded.
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