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Michael turned and watched her go. He loved to watch Tera move, the thinly veiled strength of her. The way her toned body flexed as she walked. She carried herself in a manner that was simple, compact, precise. He also, of course just loved to watch her perfect ass.Tera threw a pillow at Valerie as she passed on her way to the bathroom."Get up sleepy head, time to start the day, we're running late."Valerie mumbled a response to Tera's words as she stretched under the covers. After a moment she. She knew to part her legs and lower her tummy and raise her head, and in that way, her bottom was both stretched and presented in just the right way to maximise the amount of pain she was going to receive. As she bent over she opened her eyes and the closest thing she saw were her own bare breasts. She couldn’t really make out her nipples but knew that they were taut because although she always struggled with being spanked and caned, and actually hated it whilst the punishment was carried out,. ?" She wondered aloud as she stared incredulously at pictures of herself riding Stan's enormous black cock, and doing so many other unlady-like things". It was quite obvious to her that she was finished. Should any of these photos become public, she would lose everything she ever valued. Just as she was about to look questioningly into Stan's face, Fix as though on cue, clicked the play back button on the cam-corder. "Stanford, get back in here this minute you bitch!" The sound of her own. ”“I’ll be right back with the drinks. Promise me a dance?”“I’ll consider it if you promise to be a good boy.”“You have my word that I will be...” I paused, “very good.”I turned before she could respond and headed to the bar hearing a slight gasp as I did. If nothing else I was enjoying teasing her with a few risqué innuendos.Upon returning with her gin and tonic (and my safe soda and lime; I was driving, after all) I found Mamaw and Gladys in deep discussion. Did I see guilty looks on their.
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