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Each night, after those first few cold hours of her punishment, had been spent under the stars in balmy languorous ease and she had slept deeply and well. The guilt she had felt at her treatment of the brave young King had evaporated and been replaced by a complacent sense of her own far-seeing righteousness. After all, real, hard men should learn to take many fearsome, damaging and painful blows, the more the better, she told herself. She wanted the man she married to have a body covered with. . her blonde hair curling around her face and those bright blue eyes he ran a hand between her boobs and over her flat stomach and down to her bikini bottoms soft and still damp from the pool or something else he grew hard thinking of her getting wet when he touched her she moved nervously 'shh little cat I know you want me and I know I want you' ...but I... I've not....done anything before she said embarrassed... 'that's okay you'll learn from the best lean forward..' she did and he unlaced. "The big bald man is at the B&B?" I asked."He is indeed and I have his ass on tape. So do you want to go visit the Bar at the B&B or go to bed alone?" he asked."If it were anyone else, the empty bed would be the most appealing, but who knows when we will get the chance again." I admitted.I took a shower and tried to wake up. I was tired, but I knew I was to excited to sleep after Wilson's announcement. After my quick shower I dressed in my one cut off tee shirt and tight jeans. The top covered. I suppose I did deserve an explanation. And I guess maybe Eddie deserved the chance to give me one. I just hoped that the next time we talked I could keep my emotions in check long enough for him to do it."Good," Luke said, smiling at me, and then promptly placed both hands on my head and dunked me.As soon as I was under the water I attacked his ribs with my fingers, tickling him. I never would have guessed that Luke was so ticklish. He went under, curling himself into a ball and then came up.
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