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" Oh, I didn't think of that. What do you do when you eat out?" I either set it up with the manager beforehand, or I drink in the parking lot after the meal. I have a card with permission to carry an opened bottle of alcohol in my car; otherwise I could be arrested for having it. They know all about me at work and no one says anything when they see me drinking." Yeah, I guess it would kind of shock people for you to just pull out a flask and knock back in a restaurant. I'm sorry for being so. Two bottles of pinot noir had been placed in the fridge at the same time the cooking had begun. Lunch would prove quite an aphrodisiac to the girls since their meals always included the drugs that brought about a sexual arousal and a desire to stay with their captorswhom the girls now all considered their masters. Life was indeed good on the seas for Michael, Charles, and William. The girls felt as if they had won a vacation package, and they were all in love with the men who had taken them out. ’ Robert waited until their waiter had finished and washeaded back to his station before saying, ‘I think we just need to accept each others’ apologies and carry on normally from here.’ He smiled and continued, ‘Right now I think we need to enjoy our breakfast, and we can start fresh once our appetites have been taken care of.’ Annie smiled at him and said, ‘That sounds like a good idea. I’m famished!’ +++++++++++ An hour later the two of them were back in the elevator heading for their rooms.. .. He then easily lifted her up and pushed her into the cage, with her hands behind her back her breasts scuffed across an old army blanket that was folded up on the floor, the smell was sickening as he tied her collar up very tight to the lower part of the cage so that just her head was sticking through a small hole in the front. This left the nipples on her big breasts just barely touching the coarse fabric of the army blanket, the feeling from this surprised her?....She was so naive and.
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