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Dyan’s reply was oh hell no. Dyan closed the garage door with the remote so her nosey neighbors don’t become nosey. Lori grabbed all her shopping bags with Dyan’s help and put them all in the living room. Dyan went in the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. Lori came in to help. Dyan and Lori were at the kitchen table sipping coffee when Lori asked Dyan if she can keep a secret. Seeing how serious Lori look Dyan told her she can tell her anything and will keep it in confidence. Lori went on to. “Oh, I don't know. Abby found it. It looks pretty cool.”“Yeah it does,” I responded, and I moved the camera right up on it, and took a couple still shots of it. “Where are you two from?” I asked casually.“Oh, we’re here on vacation,” she replied.“Oh yeah? Me too. I’m on the Dreamfinder,” I said with a smile. “How about you?”“Oh, we’re on the Doubtful Delusion,” she said with a smile that was out of this world.“I didn't get your name. I’m Dave.”“Oh, sorry! I’m Taylor, and this is Abby.” Her. "Helen Watts was Judith's sixty-four-year-old sister and it was well known by family and beyond that she kept her husband Cyril under her control by applying frequent spankings to his backside."There is nothing wrong with me and what do you think your sister is going to have to say?" responded Henry.Henry actually fancied Helen but had not told anyone that, least of all Helen. He also, although he would not admit it even to himself, rather liked the idea of going over a woman's knee for a good. .. Fuck it never mind," she said ending the thought."Besides Sylvia, you know it is pancakes after a threesome," I said."Oh really, you think that was a threesome?" she asked."I've had worse actually," I said with a laugh. "Remind me to tell you about the two midgets someday."."Spare me." she replied.It was at that point, when a very groggy looking Peter joined us. "Well Peter go do whatever you have to do before breakfast, We are all going out for pancakes."For some reason, known only to God.
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