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She was on her bed probably naked. The bed was messy and her hand covered one of her naked boobs and the other was lit up by the moon.The window was open and the moonlight beamed in the room. I went close to her to see her face.She was so pretty. She had a heart face and big pout lips. I had an urge to kiss that sexy lips.I quickly ran to my mates. “Dude, the girl is there. She is… She is..”, I said not able to complete my sentence.“What? Is she dead or what?”, Jake asked looking stunned.“No. I was extremely wet and Raj was fingering me so hard. I opened my bra myself and put Raj’s head on my boobs. threw me on the sofa and start licking the side of my breasts. He kissed my forehead and slowly started to press one of my boobs. It was so erect then, he gently started kissing my nipple and started sucking them like a baby. I cried in pleasure “mmmuuaahhh Raaaajjj, I am your bitch please fuck me! ooohh OH god!!”. He took my petticoat down and started licking my inner thighs, he gave me. "Nice. Very nice," I complemented."A-plus?" she teased."You are going to have to work for that, young lady," I mock scolded."Like this?"She went down and back up my shaft with her tongue firmly flicking on my cock's underside seam. I groaned loudly."That's a start," I gasped.Skylar skillfully prolonged the sucking of my cock. She would do this action or that move and I would feel my jizz begin to quickly build but then she would do soft moves and I would calm down. She was incredible and she. "Lecia claps her hands once more, grabbing their attention. "This is not the time for speculation! We must be patient and observe. Yes, we did take a risk, but someone wrote this book for another to find. It was meant to be used!"She takes a breath before continuing. "Now as some of you are scientists, you know that you must experiment. Historians without evidence have to start off with a guess based on what they know about a specific time. Business men and women sometimes have to take risks to.
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