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Tonya felt the test bench begin to vibrate and hum, and was caught off guard; she was totally unprepared for the jolt from the TENS unit!"MMMMMRRRRPPPPGGHHHHH!!!!" Tonya tried to scream through the inflatable gag! She saw a flash in front of her eyes; for a moment, she thought she'd been hit by lightning or an atomic bomb! She knew she had to escape this trap she'd been unwittingly lured into!But how?Nancy was captivated by the readouts on the various equipment; she still didn't understand a. But all that could be left behind her, Vanessa thought to herself as she continued down the long corridor, already lightly tugging at the light blue jacket of her uniform in anticipation. She could relax now, and focus on the imminent sensation of warm water on her skin. She would be all alone, and she could finally relax.So then why did she feel this tingling anticipation?Vanessa pushed it from her mind. She must just be looking forward to the shower. And yet? something fluttered in her chest. ''Yes, Miss Fiona.' I shivered with a mixture of fear and anticipation. Iknew this would happen, but I was stricken with fright mixed with adesire to explore my desires even further.As she stopped speaking I sensed someone else was with us. I felt handsgrab the sides of my head and then I was being kissed with a tonguebeing forced into my mouth. I was shocked at the suddenness of the movebut quickly recovered and started to kiss back. It was obviously a manas I could feel stubble on his face. The oil makes her tattoo on her shoulder shine out, we have matching tats. I work my way down her butt and then her legs. I start to rub her feet and she melts like butter. I massage her for about thirty minutes. Then we set up and I bring over the tray of fruit that I had bought at the store. We set and talked about the day. Again she asked me what this was all about, and I responded that it was Tuesday. She says oh, and I left it at that after talking and snaking on fruit I start sliding my.
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