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The dress was very short and she bent over for Alex and I, so we could get a glimpse of the matching panties underneath. Cora was one hell of a tease, she knew how to get the attention. The pair of them looked stunning and very sexy, I considered myself lucky to be going out with them.The meal we had was fine in a posh restaurant and soon it was time to hit the cocktails and do some dancing. In the nightclubs, the flirting soon hit an all-time high. Cora loved the attention, off anyone and was. He was making out with his Aunt, his mother's sister as he stroked her cock and he wanted more.Breaking the kiss they blinked at each other, her cheeks flushed with colour at his sudden forwardness, lifting a hand to wrap in the collar of his shirt, tugging him back towards the living room.Grinning, about halfway he overtook her and Lily gasped, suddenly finding herself being pulled along, literally being guided by her cock, though not uncomfortably.They seemed to have the same idea as they. She knew that I had a soft corner for my G spot and get aroused when it is being played with.Myself: “Bitch….play with it……….I am cumminggggggggggg………..FUCKER………Faster now……….don’t slow your speed, but increase it ..FUCK ME ……..BASTARD………….what have you done to me and my pussy…….Honey………….pleaseeeeeee ……more faster………………now……..I am cummingggg……….please fuck me faster and harder……….GOD……….AAAHH………OHHH………GOD”I squirted and leaked my cum heavily and collapsed and let my ass hit the bed and slowly. As the scared duo tried to run, Tanner was already there to stop them, holding them by the shoulder. He replied to the question with a deadly suggestion.“Fuck yeah, I did! Now break his neck, and let’s get off…by fucking.”His newfound buddy had already sat on the crawling victim, cupping his head and chin in his large hands. He pulled back slowly, hearing the student writhe, before yanking hard to make that camel clutch-like hold deadly.POP-CRRRK-POP-CRUNCH“H-he dropped! I fucking killed him!.
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