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“I won; I should gain his power.” Ares gasp out.Aniketos tsked, “you should have learned more about the weapon you wielded. You won because of ME! In order to do that I took almost all your power to acheive this. Don’t worry, a few thousand years, you might have enough power to make it back.”“No, it isn’t fair!” Ares whined.“As the god of war, you should be more than familiar with it!” Aniketos said causing Ares to cringe at the words he spoken to his sister. “You have emerged victorious, you. "Are you telling me the truth? Your not just saying that?" 'm being perfectly honest! Really! I have NOT cheated. I've not cheated on you once! I've been chaste the whole time. I promise!"Dominique was pretending to be worried about all that. He really wasn't at all. He knew Walter well enough by now to be able to read the expression on his face, and in his eyes; and the feel of that big, thick, stiff cock shaft in his grasp, as it throbbed like a heart beat, it all spoke to Walter's honesty. She tried to hand her bags over to the other girl, the gorgeous girl, the--Oh, crap, what if Eiko’s mom interrogated her over this? It was like nothing changed. Eiko was supposed to be free! Natalie had lost a person in weight. Gia was getting her first starring role. Leanne was dating David. Eiko’s wish was supposed to be ready to fall into place. Avery’s was the one they had to wait on. Eiko wanted to turn hard left. Duck and cover in ... L.L. Bean ... Ew. Her mom continued on. Eiko’s feet. It’s halfway in now. You’re doing so well. We’re almost there.” I couldn’t believe he wasn’t stopping and I could tell the fact that I was protesting was getting him more excited because he thrust the rest of his huge cock inside me ass. “Ow, no no no,” I pleaded. “Holy fuck, you took it all. Good girl! Your little asshole is absolutely strangling my cock. Jesus!” He started thrusting very slowly, taking his cock almost all the way out and then inserted it balls deep. I bit on my lip and tried.
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