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His step daughter Savanah is a sweet girl who loves her daddy and wants to make him happy Savanah and her Step Dad (Chapter 1) Savanah was a happy girl. She lived with her mom and step dad in Washington State. She liked to hang out with her friends, play volleyball, and go swimming a lot. Her mom had remarried a nice guy named Jay a year back and he loved Savanah like any dad would. They lived in a quiet neighborhood where not much happened. They had a nice big house with a swimming pool that. She was called down after some time and we parted. It was 4-5 more days before we could have another intimate interaction. It was early morning and the owner along with his wife and Geeta usually went out for a walk and that day I saw only the owner and his wife go out. A clear window of 45 min. The couple next door will be up only by 8 am. She came up and slowly for the first time bolted my door shut.We never closed and bolted that door before. I do not remember the sequence in detail but soon. (hump it)Her hips shuddered and inched downward. The dildo squished into her again. "Unnggh... !"(HUMP)Not right not right not right ... not ... right... Heather let out a loud, ragged moan. Her pussy gushed onto the seat, splashing hot cum over the insides of her thighs and onto her blouse. It dripped over the front of her seat and trickled down her calves.She lost her protests in the paroxysms of her orgasm. Her hips rose one more time and came down, renewing her climax and squirting the seat. ’he said and proceeded to take it out.‘Now recline on the bed, and spread your legs.’ He said while putting a pillow under my hips. ‘ Okay, the fun is about to begin, so close your eyes.’I dutifully complied and felt the cold impersonal touch of the vibrator on the lips of my pussy lips. I shuddered. It was fairly thick, thicker than any cock would be and far longer too but it started sliding in slowly and I could almost feel its passage as it moved up.‘Don’t put it in fully, please.’ I.
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