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Marty wanted to talk frankly with Kit and she knew it would be three to four hours before her supervisor returned. She peaked in his window and tapped on the glass. Kit turned to see who was there but, before he could get up Marty slipped her master key into the lock and opened the door. She knew she would be fired on the spot if the commander found that she had entered a room at night without a second officer present. The lock turned quietly and she walked in. ‘I told you I’d be back.’ ‘Yeah,. We heard the familiar sounds of Mrs Hudson answering the door, a brief exchange, and then heavy footsteps on the stairs and finally a knock on our own door.Holmes rose and took a place by the mantle from which he enjoyed a superior perspective on our visitors, making them walk across the room to greet him, thereby giving him additional time to observe those all-but-invisible markers that tell him everything that a man would keep secret.This of course left me to answer the door, which I opened. ” He pulled me close to him, “Yes baby, that was incredible,” he replied softly. His laugh then broke the silence, “I should surprise you more with holidays if this is the thanks I receive.” I giggled in his arms, “If you think this was amazing you should wait to see what I’ve got in store for our holiday,” I smiled. We laid together, talking about our upcoming holiday, until we fell asleep in each other’s arms. Daddy went off to work as normal, but I decided to go shopping. I bought three. Her breasts were as sensitive as ever and the warm water cascading over them only heightened her arousal and her recollection of yesterday's pleasure. Focusing now only on getting washed, getting out and getting dressed. She quickly lathered up, and let a smile spread across her lips. Reluctantly separating herself from the shower, she got dressed for the work at home day. Again the loose fitting sweater, this one light blue, and long black skirt. She had a couple of follow up calls to make.
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