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Four weeks later he grabbed the lighter and told Mr. Gofelt to give him a raise of two dollars an hour. Robert approached him with an envelope the next day at work. ‘Boss likes you Nate, said you get a raise, and he wants to back pay you two weeks on it,’ Robert commented as he grabbed his hard hat and started organizing the crew. During his lunch, Nathan sat in the bed of his truck, as had become his custom, and opened the envelope. It was just a check for one hundred and sixty dollars,. When I went out the backdoor, the neighborhood was silent. There was a full moon, and I didn’t need the penlight to see as I made my way through the field to my neighbor’s house.I unlocked and opened the French doors in the back. The house was dark and quiet. The only noise I heard was from the air conditioning. Even so, it seemed way too warm, but then maybe it was my fear. Quietly I made my way down the hallway. I paused at the stairs to listen. I could hear him snoring all the way down. Thinking that it would be quicker to leave by going back around towards the entrance, Jack quickly made his way back to the front. *** Arriving just before the entrance door, Jack walked past a couple of kids that looked like they’d been frozen in fright by whatever extravagant thing the haunted house had thrown at them. Not wanting to stick around, Jack just carried on walking out, passing the young man on the front door. Strangely, there seemed to be no knowledge that someone had just. ’ She said. Then she bit her lower lip and looked down. ‘Carlos? That’s the guy who was hitting you?’ I asked. She nodded. I didn’t press that any more, it was clear that she had been with an abusive male that was using her. How bad had it been? I didn’t know, and I wasn’t real sure I wanted to know. I washed her scratch and applied the lotion. Then she tugged her top back on, turning her bacl when she did that. ‘Miss, I need to call the cops, you need to tell them what happened.’ I told her..
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