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He only took a few things like his stereo, clothes, and the extra furniture from the back room.The rest of the furniture, the TV's, and appliances he left for her. He didn't want to take everything from her. He would gradually furnish his new apartment with things that didn't remind him of his time with her. And he would be better than Chad when he left.But he did wait for her to get home that night once he finished.When she came in rushing to make him dinner once again, he called out to her. Efficient. I turned to him and said that there was precious few things little about me. He smiled and got up from his chair. He stood behind me as I washed the dinner dishes, and started kissing my neck again. He was challenging me to finish the dishes versus give in to his advances. If anybody knows me, they know I'm stubborn, and I wouldn't give in to the temptation, no matter how badly I wanted to. I felt him step away from me and figured he'd realized I was going to finish the dishes and he. And it got rougher. As we began to fight ourselves to orgasm. Both furiously pulling at one another, her painfully at my cock while I reached over and cupped and pinched and pawed at her naked breasts that she had been so proud of at lunch. Sounds were being made. And even cries. As we got closer and closer and closer until we burst. I think that I was hurting her with my hands and maybe my cock by the time I erupted. But nothing was being said except her yes, yes, yes, yes as she was. He didnt want this beautiful white woman just to suck his dick, he wanted to fuck her in front of her husband and fill her hot pussy with his cum. He wanted her husband to see his precious little white wife blackened by his huge black dick. Charlie was ahead of Janet and Kevin and he was in a hurry to get to their SUV. He wanted to get to the damned car and start its powerful engine and warm up the Yukon. The north wind was brutal. Kevin pulled Janet to him once more and his lips were upon.
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