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I though the excitement of tomorrow would keep me awake but I fell quickly into a deep sleep. The stars over head were no match for the white brightness of the moon. The night air was warm, humid and filled with the scent of tropical flowers. I looked up a series of steps cut sharply from stone. On the upper most step, there was a beautiful woman with a large headdress of an unusual shape and color. Her black hair was braided and tossed about her back and shoulders as she swayed to the rhythm. Olive sat up on the alleyway kerb and was for the first time aware that she wasn't alone. There were the usual bags of rubbish, but these were all torn open by urchins and urban foxes who'd been scavenging for what the better-off could afford to discard. There were broken bottles, the remnants of a bicycle that had been pulled apart and some ancient electrical devices that had been disembowelled for any part of potential value. There was also a tramp sitting several metres away who hadn't. "When he first joined the platoon he visited the Copper Kettle with a couple of his section, " said Corporal Cheddy Gunn. "According to Clarky Kent he's now down there most nights, wrapped around one of the tarts."Kent was on guard, so I went across to the guardroom and found out from him that Jazzer had been going down to the Copper Kettle every night that he was off duty; it seemed likely that it was there that he had met his inamorata.'The Kettle' was a well-known knocking shop/bar/dance. And soon she felt a hand begin rubbing her pussy. The combined sensation sent her into a frenzy and her pussy began to gush warm cum freely over the strange girl’s hand. Finally, Hermione’s rapist pulled her head away and spit on her ass. Hermione could feel the spit dripping slowly down her crack towards her pussy. It had almost reached her hot, sweaty hole when the girl caught it with her tongue and licked its trail back up Hermione’s taint and over her asshole, where,.
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