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Finally, when I'd almost killed myself, just barely missing a concrete construction barrier, I pulled off the freeway and parked under an overpass; I had no idea where I was. The sun was my alarm clock. I felt stiff and sore all over. I rolled down the car windows. There was just something restorative about morning air. I took a deep breath. I didn't feel quite as bad as I had just a day earlier.Looking around and assessing my current geography, I could see what looked like a restaurant maybe a. Neither of them is very comfortable with the idea of being two boys outon a date together. Zach and I decide to fix the situation and Jake andIan agree to refer to Jake as Kayla for the evening. Now that they areboth thinking of Jake as a female, they seem a little more comfortable inthe situation.By the time we get to the restaurant, Ian is treating Kayla like a realgirl. He takes her hand as we walk in the restaurant and is a gentlemanthe entire evening. Kayla seems a little nervous at. I lowered the jeans and panties, pushed my testiclesinto me, tucked my penis back, pulled the thongs back up to hold it inplace and then readjusted my jeans.This was it, the jeans felt great on me. Everywhere! Crotch, ass, waist,hips, thighs, they all fitted with no excess fabric anywhere, just firmlycovered.I was so excited that I didn't even look in the mirror. I just grabbed thet-shirt to put it on realizing at that moment it wasn?t a t-shirt but apolo, still I put it on. It also felt great. Once inside, David grinned at me. "Take off your pants again little boy." Biting my lower lip, I obeyed as he pulled out into the road. My cock bobbed with every bump, every pothole. I reached for my member, hoping to fondle myself, but he slapped my hand away. "No. I don't want you to cum and chicken out on me." That won't happen, sir. I've wanted a big cock for so long..." I whimpered."I hope that's true, because that's what you're gonna get." he growled back. "A big cock for a very long.
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