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" Her arm circled his body and her fingers closed around his cock, making him jerk his hips forward into her hand. "Such an eager slut, aren’t you?" she laughed and gripped his hard member tighter. "Yes I am, miss. Please miss can you fuck your eager slut?" he begged, desperate to feel the pleasure. She started moving in and out of him, going slow but deep, each time pulling out almost completely before pushing back in up to the hilt. She was stretching him and building up a rhythm. One of her. My breathing grew heavier, sweat dripped down the sides of my face as she commanded me to go even faster and harder until my body eventually gave in and spasmed in ectasy as I ejaculated my sperm deep inside her. Vivian shuddered underneath me and she cried out as she came. We both lay there for a few moments to catch our breath.I felt her arms around me cradling me like a baby to her bosoms. Oh, how much I wanted to stay there like that forever."That was amazing," I said."It was, very much. My BF told me that he and Bill were going to trade me and Sherri. Bill would be my master the whole time, and if I agreed I would really enjoy it. We have played with Bill and Sherri before, but I had never played a sex slave before and was quite excited to try it out. So I agreed. I like letting men use me for sex. We drove with Bill and Sherri to their place. Bill and I in the back seat. Bill took my panties off in the back seat as my BF drove the car and watched us in his rear-view mirror.. I'm lucky that I landed in the snow which not only cushioned my fall but also cooled my body quickly enough that my heart rate decreased to the point I didn't bleed to death or lose so much blood that my body was impaired.I am lucky that I had a friend like Paul Fitzgerald who was willing to risk his livelihood not only for my sake but for the sake of those I hold dear.I'm lucky that I have friends like Kelly and Elizabeth who were willing to fight fiercely for my well-being and to make sure.
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