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When he was brought into the ward, Nicki couldn't believe her eyes. She recognised that unshaven face and those deep brown eyes from a hundred television broadcasts. He even gave her a weary smile as he was lifted into his bed by two orderlies, who then attached the casts on each of his arms to overhead pulleys. Nicki felt dizzy with excitement when she realised that she would be looking after the most intimate needs of one of the sexiest men alive. At five o'clock that afternoon it was time. “But this is your daily driver from now on. What do you think?”I looked the car over and it was beautiful. And now I knew what he meant about the colour, because it was 2 toned colour. The roof, bonnet and trunk where in a brushed glossy aluminium look, and the bottom of the car was in a light pink slightly mat colour. I’d never seen anything like it. I loved that it was not all pink and it matched so well together. Such a girly classy and elegant look. “'s really beautiful. It must. She looked like a sex goddess to me and I could feel my dick rising. Sensing the opportunity, I went to her place directly and closed the door behind me. She was also aware of the reason for me being in her house. I told her I was always wanted to fuck her, to kiss her, to suck her big boobs from the first time I saw her. She also confessed that she wanted to fuck since a long time, but could not get the opportunity because of her husband and children. I went to her and pulled close to me and. When she came back in, she was wearing rubber gloves and had a tube of some sort of gel that she applied to the end of a wand that was connected by cable to a box that was connected to a personal computer. She laid a cloth cover over my genitals and them slid the wand under the cover and under the flap on the gown and pressed it against the side of my scrotum. I could not see the screen, but as she moved the wand around and pressed it against different areas, she occasionally tapped the.
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