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As for friendships or relationships, I feel that their past, before they met me, isn't important; because it didn't include knowing me. Our interaction is what is important. Not really the complete story, but that is close to the way I feel."You know I was a detective with the St. Louis Police right?" She nodded and I continued. "It was like a cliché from stories that you read. I came home unexpectedly, found my wife, Johanna, and my boss doing the nasty in my bed. I proceeded to beat the hell. These were not the round grapefruits of her mother, but more like our home grown peppers, soft blunt cones more long than wide, with a slight upward curve. Patches of foam clung to them. They looked totally delicious. Through the jet-swirled water, suddenly transparent, I saw her taut ab muscles . . . and the fine blonde hair of her pussy. Her lightly tanned legs stretched to the end of the tub. My cock got harder and I turned away. “Have fun, honey,” I said, and left before I had to say. “Where did the surfer go?” She said.He turned his head. The girl had not swam under him as he had thought. The cold reality being light years away from his extraordinary wishful thinking (He always had a habit of misinterpreting things to suit his wants). She had swam away to cool off, and now stood, half silhouetted in the retiring sun, one hand on her hip, the other scanning past where he stood, apparently unenlightened to the fact that he was still wedged in semi consummation with her...“The. I had hoped that we would be alone, but at that point I would have loved for someone to see us. I would have loved to step out of my body and watch us. I moved in and out as hard as I could, increasing my speed as I went. I heard her cry out over my shoulder in the fit of a tremendous orgasm. I knew I couldn’t last much longer, but I did my best. After a few more thrusts I heard her increases her moaning again, and I knew it was time. I felt as if I had entered paradise. I came with a fury that.
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