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Then he took one breast in his mouth. Sucking hard on it as he rammed into her. Clare moaned loudly, her hands curled over the top of the sofa. Pushing back against him, wanting to take more of him in her.“Oh baby, yes, Mike oh Mike so hard.” She groaned to him, urging him on.“Fuck, oh fuck, oh god so good.” She heard him gasping as he slammed in and out. He pushed himself upright on his knees. His fingers curling around her shoulder and neck. He began to ram in harder, faster. Grunting as he. ” It wasn’t my sister, it was my Mom, and it was my turn for the towel falling on to the ground and me being on top of my gorgeous Mother. I was horrified, my sister and I were often very open with each other, however my Mom was a very conservative woman. I had no clue what to do, so I did what any other 18 year old guy would do. I pushed off of her, my hands landing on her huge breasts, and scurried to my room but naked. My hands had just grabbed my Mother’s breasts. I had no clue where all of. As long as a prospective man had a cock, Suzi was always more than willing to take him on. The 18-, 19-, 20-year-old guys who had not been lucky enough to experience sex during their high school years suddenly had a change of fortune - thanks to Suzi. The slut was responsible for helping at least 30 guys lose their virginity during her stay in college.Suzi was so hot and desirable, that eight guys were serious when they asked her to marry them, while in college.One of those eight guys was her. "Hey!" "Well, take it off! Come on, I wanna go to sleep too. Stopdorking around." I took a deep breath, and swam my way out of the gown,half expecting her to start giggling at any moment. When I could seeagain, she was just mentioning for me to turn around. I did, and sheordered, "Slip the underwear off," as she popped the bra hooks andexpertly caught the gel bags before they could do more than sag. I nervously slipped my thumbs into the panties and shucked themdown my legs. .
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