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It hurt like a mother fucker getting shot in this thing!’ ‘Just imagine if you had no vest on – bet that would have hurt more.’ Jason told him as he turned to walk back to his truck. Jared got up slowly and followed him climbing into the truck also. ‘Man you really are an asshole sometimes, Jas.’ ‘Yes, but you’re alive so your wife will be happy.’ ‘You could at least be considerate of how much it hurt.’ Jared told him. ‘I could shoot you in the foot – then you won’t remember how much your chest. I couldn't believe it a chinese chick had asked me out. I was in heavens. Later that day I called her and she invited me over for dinner the next day.She lived at five minute walk distance from uncles house and I lied to him I was going to my friends house and went to her place ( expecting to stay for the night). We had an amazing dinner a bottle of wine. We went along well. Normally chicks got attracted to my perfect body and dark curly hair. She told me that she had an Indian bf and he was in. He cheered and said, "Finally, how long could it take you guys to hook up geez." We smiled and then I said, "Okay, now let us go around the circle to see who is who. We will start on my right."We went around the circle and found out that, Julia and Steve L had switched bodies, Elad was Julia's friend Anne, Stephanie was Jeremy, Steve's sister was now Elad, Michael was now Steve's sister, Sheena was Michael, Matt S was now in the body of Steve's mom, Steve's mom was in Sheena's body, Jeremy was. My family business isn't acharity, you know."I had the uncomfortable feeling that I might be increasing theproblem rather than solving it, but I had another favor to ask."Speaking of cargo, I have to ask you to bring another passenger." Switzerland's landlocked, Alexandra." Not me! There is a t-girl named Aom, living in the Rosepaper dormat Chiang Mai. She was blacklisted too. I need her for a court casein the U.S. Can you retrieve her and bring her with you?" Alexandra, you're too much!" Eddie.
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