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She put her hand under my chin and spoke in soft, caring voice. "Oh, Sarah! Of course I do. *I* think you're cute."Suddenly I was pushing back tears, trying to avoid eye contact and knowing she probably felt sorry for me. What did I expect her to say anyway? NO, I THINK YOU'RE UGLY! Not that it would have been a surprise or anything.Jenny was silent for a moment before finding the right words. "I read an article recently called 'taking charge of your looks' that talked about how each of us has. Was it possible that such desires passed from mother to daughter? Mitch wondered, as exquisitely pretty Jenny kissed her way down his tense, twitching body. Little did he knows how often little Jenny had crept to the doorway of Mitch and Julie's bedroom, hoping to see the ultimate erotic sight: her mother kissing and stroking and coaxing a giant eruption of hot, steaming semen from her stepfather's big cock, begging him to spunk on her face, spatter her face, cum all over her face, until. I resisted the urge to "play" because I knew I had stuff to do. Like I had to be done by a certain time. I put the robe in the closet and went back into the bathroom. I found my counter full of make-up and hair supplies. I began, as if on auto-pilot , to apply the make-up to my face. I saw the transformation as I began to look more and more like a woman. A very attractive woman. I was getting partially turned on, but just cause the woman in the mirror was so lovely. Once I was finished, I. You can't match the offer Diane and Charles gave me, so consider this your one week's notice and clean out your desk by Friday."I started to panic. "But wait, you didn't even give us a chance to match their offer. I'm sure we would agree to whatever they did." OK, I'll give you one chance because I prefer white women to black. If you agree to everything they did the job is yours. You already know your part; work every Saturday and 3 nights a week with no extra pay. Kathy will come to my home.
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