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. She said OK.. I was excited the other way around, I told her to wear her best dress.. Then she asked me what I wanted to here, But didnt expect it so soon,,She said her Husband will ask why dress like this and going? I said you pack your full dress and bring and keep here at the time of evening cleaning itself under my bed and night time just casually come here and change in my bathroom,, she said OK..I just wanted to go to the bathroom and shag,, but I wanted to save it for the Night ;-)..as. After the tenth uppercut; she backed off. He stood there momentarily, then sunk to his knees and fell face first to the canvas. He rolled into the fetal position, while the ref counted him out. He didn't know it but he had gotten off lucky. Last year she would have held him against the ropes, and thrown a series of lefts and rights to his head, breaking his nose and rendering him unconscious before she quit. When her hand was raised in victory, she walked over to the beaten fighter and extended. Lying in bed I relived the moment; I remember staring at the huge bulge in Cody’s pants the next thing I knew I was naked on the floor in a heap of pain. I could have kicked myself in the ass for trying to get away I guess it was a flight or fight instinct. As Cody finished his shower I imagined him drying off his tanned body, the towel moving down his back and over his tight ass the thought of Cody drying off his man tool made me extremely horny. Abruptly the door to the bathroom opened Cody. He asks me to suck it. I resist. I do not want to take his dick in my mouth. He is rubbing his dick on my lips I feel the hotness of his hard dick he tries to insert dick in my mouth. He asks me to open my mouth but I did not. He keeps rubbing his dick on my lips and inserts one finger inside my mouth. He is moving finger in and out. Now he is trying to insert his dick with finger. I resist taking his dick inside my mouth. He made me to lie down on bed and he fell over me. He is licking my lips.
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