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This may be reposted, but please leave it in its full version. Whetheryou read it for content, ideas or what ever; I do hope you enjoy it andencourage all to live their dreams.Tanya has directed me to write this for the purpose of posting it on theweb. Once you find out my current situation you will understand the powershe has to ensure I do. What does the future hold? By trista How did I get here? I have always had a very kinky side. . I was determined to cum with my new dildo buried inside of me. Steve was still rubbing his panty encased cock over the pillow I had placed there earlier and the pillowcase was now wet as well."I think your new toy is hitting your prostate, you are making quite a wet spot there." I let go of his leash and he looked down between his legs, looked at me and smiled without saying a word. I reached up and pulled the waistband of his bikini panties over his cock and tucked them under his balls. I. He steps toward Jane and pulls her into is crotch rubbing iton her ass. She tries pulling away, pushing against his groinarea, her hand brushes against his growing cock.Rex moves his hands up to her tits, taking them in hishands, squeezing them. He feels her nipples getting hard.Jane is resisting Rex, but he is stronger than she is. Hepushes her up against the edge of the picnic table. Jane istelling Rex to stop, but her body is responding to the sexualadvances being forced on her. Rex pulls. It would a new experience for me. I was horny. To feel the spasm of an unknown clit, to taste the cum of an unknown cunt i dove my mouth as deep as possible in her pussy. Immediately she shrieked, “oh gosh, i’m breaking. Suck my pussy. Eat my cunt. Can’t bear more”.“cum darling, cum on my mouth” i cried out removing my mouth momentarily from her clit to incite her passions further and pushed my mouth back to her streaming pussy. She reached her climax. Her pussy plunged into incredible spasm..
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