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I trusted him, but I was still scared shitless.Well, if we wanted the Comanches to ride into the little valley, I had to be doing the right thing. The leaders of the group saw me and started shooting while riding as fast as their horses could move down the valley toward me. I didn't have time to count the Comanches between the valley walls, but a quick glance made it look like everybody had arrived. If I didn't know better, I would swear that there were a thousand Indians all trying to shoot. ”“So you’re available then?” Haley asked brightly.“Just lay back,” Holly insisted as they both put a hand on each of Jackie’s shoulders, “and we’ll take care of everything.”“What? Wait!” Jackie yelped, then stopped as the girls flooded her mind with more erotic thoughts than she’d had for several years.“This is… public side…” she managed to gasp. “Not… appropriate here…”“No problem,” one of them murmured into her ear.Jackie felt the contour of the ground beneath her change as the girls. Dan laid me on my back and started kissing and sucking my nipples and with his right hand he was rubbing and feeling my legs. His hand began to part my legs and feel the inside of my thighs. His touch was familiar. Soon he would work his way up to my vulva and begin to feel me and finger me and arouse me. I couldn’t help myself. Lying there with Dan rubbing and feeling my thighs I kept thinking that just a few hours ago that I had spread my legs for Marvin to feel the inside of my thighs. All joy seemed to have gone. He put his hand on my shoulder and turned me back toward the house and with a hand on my back pushed me ahead of him.“Where do you think you are going?” he asked as I headed to the stairs.“I, err...” I had no idea what to say.Then I felt his lips at me ears, “Stand there.”Nothing more was said, I turned to see his back disappearing upstairs. A few minutes later and he wasn’t back, but I didn’t know what to do. He had said I would be punished, but he said Kazumi.
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