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Finally, like a bolt from the blue it struck her, and her eyes opened wide. “Now I know who you remind me of! You are the spitting image of Cesar Romero, the movie star! Oh my God, how funny is that?”Pierre grinned at her as he sat across from her. “You are not the first to say that. After the first couple of times, I had to go out and rent a couple of his movies to see if it was true. I don’t see it myself, but everyone else seems to think so.”Georgia nodded and looked more critically at him.. I must count them out." The white flesh of her perked up bottom looked amazingly attractive. Confused with the situation he found himself in, he gave in to the temptation to touch it. "One," Dora said out loud. "But that wasn't right. It must be a spanking." Johnathan raised his hand, and let it down on her other cheek with a little slap. "Two, but that barely counted either. It must be harder." "Three," she counted out. "It must be punishment, Sir. You must make it hurt." "Four, but it only. Standing up, I stood in front of her and started planting light kisses across her cheek, lips, before moving towards her neck. We pulled each others hair to one side as we took it in turns to kiss the side of each of our necks. I moaned with pleasure as Emma ran her soft, wet tongue down the side of my neck and then kissing me tenderly all the way down toward my bust. I started to lift her top off, pulling it over her long hair, noticing the white lace bra she was wearing. I could see the. His fingers worked their way along my calf (because by now I'd slouched a little and had my foot resting on the seat in front of him) and after several long minutes, he stood up, and I moved over. We sat there, wordlessly, quietly in our seat, listening to the tires rolling over the pavement, and watching the sun slowly begin to set over the rocky terrain. His arm was slung over my shoulder, and as the rays of light kissed the distant mountains, his hand covered one of my breasts. It's a slight.
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