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“Here comes Mom. She hasn’t seen us yet. There is a big man behind her who is headed here too.”I stood as they neared. When I turned to look, Stella was peering up into the man’s face and it looked as if he had his hand on her butt.“Stella, Pinky and I thought we would join you this evening. Would you like to introduce your friend? I thought I knew most of them, but this is someone new.” Stella hesitated and her eyes flashed at Pinky. Her face went red and then white. She said nothing for. A loud chuckle came from John and my mom. She'd been standing in the doorway listening to me. I told John I had to go for now and will see him later for dinner. I asked if we were still going out, he said yes and will text me where to meet him. I look up to mom and pretty much scowled at her for wearing my dress and acting like a slut in it. Mom said it was all for fun and that the man she was with had paid her $500 to stay the night with him. My eyebrows raised as I screamed she was a. I was so tensed up and trembled, whereas he became relaxed and his face glowed in expectation. I felt a bit relieved to see him happy and started moving up & down rhythmically, as though I was mouth fucking him. His moans and groans increased with each push of my cock into him.Now, his voice became louder and joyful and was uttering variety of sounds! “Aaaaaaahhhhh, mmmmmmm, don’t stop, you’re great and just superb, my darling, show me the heaven, pleeaaseee”, he literally ordered me. He was. There was a small crowd out front and I dutifully waved while Regina posed with her arm around Vicki’s shoulder.The younger girl rolled her eyes at me and I gave her a grin. Then we got into the SUV and headed out.“OK, where are we going?” Jill said, pulling up the navigation feature on the car.“There is a store in Beverly Hills,” I said. “It’s near where Liz and I had dinner the first time I was here.”“Yeah, that narrows it down,” Jill said, looking at me as though I were an idiot. “Let me.
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