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A salty string of cum had slid up above Mom's crotch as Jim had withdrawn his dick and, as Phil caught the spunk that slipped down her thighs, I moved up and followed this trail down until my sticky lips found a big drop of cream glistening over Mom's clit.I sucked it dry, savouring the bubble of gooey love juice as it passed over my lips, continuing to suck on Mom's clit as she moaned harder and harder. After being fucked by both her husband and son and had her son's eat her out, this was all. I loved it; I had never been so aroused in my life, soanswered "Yes Sir, I am your Whore, your fucking dirty little Whore, fuck me,Sir, fuck me, pleeeeese".He fucked me harder and harder, pinching my nipplesharder, and as I orgasmed yet again, I felt himspunking deep inside me!When he stopped, he cuddled me for a while, and then said"Fantastic, I want to see you every week from now on; you are the bestprostitute I have ever had".As slowly dressed, I thought"Yes, I suppose I am a prostitute now,. Sam nodded, all of you know that they have some type of draining field near the chamber with the counselors. I barely made it out of there.The rest of those with him, their eyes were wide at the news. Sam was the most powerful they had seen if it had affected him that bad, what chance did they have?__________________________________________________________________The lord Doctor again looked at the lifeless bodies of the three lifeless counselors. The last three were sucking nutrients as fast. This guy may not deal with people conversationally, but his hardening cock was talking up a storm!"Mmm baby, I think I found that playmate I was looking for!"Being a trucker's wife was hard, but it wasn't any easier on the trucker's either. And because he was on the road so much he didn't have a chance to have a wife or girlfriend at home when he got there.So when Julia started cooing and caressing him, he quickly responded! He sat back and opened his legs a little wider as she rubbed his.
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