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Pleasure. Pure unadulterated pleasure was plastered all over his young man’s face. Gradually, the well built female stood over her weakened partner or whatever he was supposed to be and patted him on the head. He somehow tugged up his shorts again and followed her wearily around the rock formation. The couple took it as a cue to move into the vacancy. Rosita was a powerful, powerful woman. Standing at nearly six foot tall, her body was a finely carved physical specimen. Glistening muscles and. We moved together slowly, not as if in a dream, but deliberately as if long planned. For me it was certainly long anticipated. In my feverish dreams and steamy fantasies, I had a confidence that was difficult to muster in the face of the reality. I kissed her and touched her and was grateful for the dimness hiding my burning face and my eager erection. We climbed into the bed giggling; I was drunk on the sight and the feel and the scent of her. Ever so slowly, I moved my hands across the new. Kathy smiled at him and rubbed his thigh, bringing her hand closer to his manhood. "The agreement was that Saturday night was our time." Kathy, look, I don't know," he said, turning his head, first away from her and then towards her. "This is all too ... fast."Kathy leaned against him and rubbed her breasts against his arm. She gently kissed his ear and blew softly against his skin. "Are you going to turn me down?" she asked, as she cupped his crotch. "Come on, you need this."Jeff looked at her. I was immediately covered in gooseflesh. My neck and ears are so sensitive, and feeling the roughness of his 5 o'clock shadow brushing against my skin made me crazy. My nipples were immediately hard and I think I let out a soft moan. He was already making me crazy.Between shots, he would return to his spot behind my barstool, and nuzzle the back of my neck. My nipples were hard as diamonds. I wanted to kiss him so fucking bad, I couldn't stand it. Just then, the door opened and half a dozen.
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