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Under her business suits she wears pretty blouses with lace and frills and not the man-ish shirts that some businesswomen chose to wear. Some of Mom’s tops are cut low in front, exposing just a hint of her cleavage under the lace fringe. She said she wears those when she needs to make a good impression on some of her male clients. I know it works on me.And now here she was waiting at the curb for me. I waved to a couple of my guy friends, who happened to be staring at my mother, and rushed over. Mrs O leaned toward me and whispered "You've got to admire his cheek but i bet he'd run a mile if i played along" I told her that i didn't think he would so she said there was only one way to find out!She crossed her legs letting her skirt ride up revealing a good bit of her thigh before reaching down and stroking the outside of her leg never once taking her eyes of the guy who gave her a little smile. I resisted the urge to say I told you so instead giving her a winning smile when she said. But she was closing her tighs and was not letting me go in. She bends down as if she was adjusting her footwear, so I quickly brought my hand out and presses her breasts. They are harder than before and I wanna put them in my mouth and give her the best sucking. But as I pressed her boobs harder I think she was turned on completely and she opened her legs and I got my fingers slowly touch her panty and I pulled it aside and I noticed she was very wet and she unloaded her cum before a short. “If you wish to sell them, they would fetch you much wealth.”I scowled. Gold, gold, gold. It was all anyone out in the world cared about. Luckily, the fortune Nephi had guarded before I tamed her was safely stored on the Treasure Box. I pulled out a purse and thrust him the coin. He gave me an oily grin as it vanished into his robe's pocket.“Enjoy your stay,” he said with a sneer full of contempt.I marched ahead down the quay, Nephi falling in at my side. My sisters were behind me with my.
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