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Finally, she worked her way down to his cock, and ran her tongue around the tip, teasing him. She could feel him struggling against the scarves around his wrists, hear his ragged breathing, as she licked and bit the inside of his thighs. The feel of his body under her hands, the salty taste of his skin on her lips, left her dizzy with desire, aching to feel his cock inside her hot, wet pussy. But first, she wanted to drive him wild with her mouth, her tongue, hear him beg her for more, feel. "Agh! By the great Jinn I feel the power of many Jinns behind this!" Qistina growled as all of them landed to ride out the furious howling and strength of the storm. "You have only delayed your defeat Ever Last Master! Nothing you do can defeat the ultimate power of the dark magic!" Suddenly they all heard Jake's voice above the storm, "You are obviously wrong EX QUEEN!" Jake sneered at her. "I have stopped you dead for now. You should get used to this, being delayed, and defeated. It appears. ”You stammer, “okay…”What are you doing? You’re backing hesitantly out of the room. You’re dropping the umbrella. You’re watching your wife stuffed full of hot thick cock squeal with laughter and delight as you close the door almost all the way. You’re standing in the hall.“You like that don’t you you little slut? Take my big cock.”“Yes, baby yes! Fuck!”If anything it sounds like it’s getting even more vigorous, wetter, harder. You are startled to find your hand on the front of your trousers. And so the men kept running, as they had since the previous day.The sun, more than halfway complete in its daily journey across the sky, was just becoming visible as the clouds at last exhausted themselves. Though the rain had ceased to fall from the sky an hour before, the broad leaves overhead had gathered enough water to keep the downpour going at full strength. Hayaln and his men were soaked through, had been soaked through for more than a day, and more than one nervous youth considered.
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