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Christina grabbed her hand and brought her to the dance floor. Christina pulled her very close and immediately pressed her body and breasts against Jen as they danced rhythmically together. Jen was completely turned on. She hadn’t been with a woman in a while. And Christina seemed like she would make her cum in seconds. Jen moved her hands from Christina’s back down to her ass and pulled her body closer. They were rubbing their sex against each other. Christina let out a soft moan. " Anyway, Kelly looks relieved that he's gone," Tami added. We all glanced to where Kelly was working on the beam."So, you were about to tell us what we were doing wrong," I prompted Gary."Oh, I don't think you're doing anything wrong." We're just not doing it right," Tami said.Gary laughed. "It's not that either. It's just a young team. Stephy's the only level seven, so she's the only one who's done an optional routine before. The others are all used to compulsories." What's that?" Tami wanted. The other women joined in, patting Jennifer’s bare ass and fondling the underside of her little cock prison.“Who else is coming?” Catherine asked. “Just Diana and Danni,” Mistress Angela answered, “In about an hour. She’s the guest of honor, so I wanted to be sure we were all here and ready for her.” Catherine ordered Jennifer to cover herself back up, and Mistress Angela clapped her hands, bringing me and Jody running from the dining room where we had been setting the table but could hear. ”“Thank you...” I saw her name on a little desk plaque... “Miss Phoebe, if you ever need a job, go see Judge Homer Skelley at the Collins County Courthouse. Tell him Josey sent you.”“Are you serious? If you are, I’m quitting my sorry-ass uncle’s law firm today.”“Judge Skelley is out of his office today. Go see him tomorrow and wear that short skirt or one like it.”“I have a little white one, even shorter than this one.”“Wear it, and don’t be shy. He’s harmless, but he loves to look at pretty.
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