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Twisting herself slightly sideways, she slipped her left hand underneath herself, cupping her pussy, her fingers tracing over her lips, dipping a little way inside, feeling her own wetness enhanced by the trickle of oil. And then, reaching back a little further, her fingertips touched his balls, swinging to and fro between her thighs. Again her arm was pulled away from under her. She could sense his hand raising up above her and waited eagerly for the punishment. She knew what was coming, and. With both of them grinning maliciously at me, I moved closer tomy target.Mike said, "I don't think he'll do it. No guy could sink that low. Noman could scoop up another man's cream from his own wife's pussy, andthen eat it." At the same time," Kiley reminded, "while making sounds that showed howmuch he enjoyed it."My mouth fastened over her oozing slit so that nothing would be lost andmy tongue went to work. It was something I'd never done before,something I'd never believed they would add. Jimmy had already cum and was only half hard but that didn't seem to matter…I though someone must have drugged her again so I went over to find out but she knew what she was doing and told me if I wanted to still be her boyfriend I had to accept she wanted an open relationship and would be fucking different guys every day when ever she felt horny, I asked if she had been with anyone else since that night and she said yeh, 1 or 2 a day since… I never went back" said Rob"But now you want me to. ”“Do you think he’d like that?” she asked, her pussy still on display.“I think he’d love that,” said Bobby. “I’d love to see it shaved.” He looked at the road, and then back at her. “If you’re too horny, you can play with yourself, if you want.”“Oh my gosh you’re so nasty!” she squealed.“Go on,” he urged. “Give yourself a little pleasure. You still have forty miles before I can do it for you.”Tentatively, at first, she barely touched her pussy lips. She flamed red at doing this in front of him..
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